

While the lab just started recently, it has built on earlier work that the PI has done measuring class perceptions, which are a necessary foundation to studying class-based discrimination. Those publications are listed below. The lab aims to publish work in top social science journals across four major areas.
  1. Measuring and addressing class-based discrimination (i.e. povertyism)
  1. Improving how we measure public opinion of the poor and uneducated
  1. Understanding the attitudes and behaviors of homeless people
  1. Addressing #firstgen issues and representation in the academy
* = student author when the project started; five-year impact factors listed for journals outside political science
* = student author when the project started; five-year impact factors listed for journals outside political science

1. Measuring and addressing class-based discrimination (i.e. povertyism)

Public perceptions across names used to denote racial/ethnic groups.
Public perceptions across names used to denote racial/ethnic groups.